Portal Rescue

Radio Operators

Call Sign:   Portal Rescue Communications


Things ROs do:

  • Use a two-way radio.
  • Keep track of event times.
  • Contact outside agencies by telephone.
  • Relay information to the Incident Commander in the field.
  • Help us find a location.
  • Answer the call to assist anytime of the day or night.


Things ROs don’t do:

  • Be in charge.
  • Make decisions about our field operations.
  • Relay identifying medical information.
  • Answer a 911 call from a panicked resident.



  • Communicate clearly on radio and telephone (a learned skill).
  • Act as a steady calm voice for stressed field responders.
  • Be a good listener and recorder.


If this sounds like a way you’d like to help Portal Rescue, then give the EMS Chief Alina Downer or Fire Chief David Newton a call or email at emschief @ portalrescue.com or firechief @ portalrescue.com.

Library of “toneout” sound files.   Lots of noise.   Imagine you’re in the wind.

911 EMS call

Douglas FD EMS call

911 Fire call

Az State Forestry Division


Our current Radio Operators
Susanne Apitz
Bonnie Bowen
Dinah Davidson
Marilyn Forestell
Rolf Koford
Jackie Lewis
Linda Wadsworth
Bill Wilbur