Portal Rescue Board Meeting Minutes for 2012

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Dec., 2012

Sept., 2012

July., 2012

Mar., 2012

Jan., 2012

Minutes: Portal Rescue Inc. Board Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012, 6:30 p.m.

held in the Portal Rescue Classroom

1.0 Call to Order

President Jerry Racicot called the meeting to order at 6.35 p.m. Seven board members and three community members were present.


2.0 Adoption of Agenda

The published agenda was adopted with suggested changes. Motion by Jackie Lewis, seconded by Reed Peters, carried unanimously.

3.0 Acceptance/Correction of Minutes

Reed Peters, seconded by Jackie Lewis, moved to accept the minutes, as posted, of the Sept. 19th, 2012 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.


4.0 Reports


4.1 President: Jerry Racicot

Jerry Racicot thanked everyone involved in fundraising and those who had made donations. The last few months had passed smoothly.

4.2 Treasurer: Acting Treasurer Jackie Lewis

“The donation drive chaired by JoAnne Julian, was a success. Donations, of cash and material goods, as of 12/17/12 are $32,752.2. We have received less income than budgeted but have not drawn from the Rainy Day Account because expenses have not only been below budget but also below income! We have a few items to pay for before the year is out but I expect we will be in the BLACK. And to have accomplished that during a year without a major fire means everybody deserves a big pat on the back.

Jackie reviewed income and expenses (year-to-date) 2012:

Revenue: This year, $6,650.75 has come from grants, $32,752.20 has been donated, and $7,129.31 has come from fundraising efforts. Interest income now totals $1,332.83, and $690.74 has come in as fire income. Counting some other minor categories, revenues to date total $49,819.76.

Expenses: Expenses to date include $1,380.11 for office supplies, $1,571.31 for EMS supplies, $8,153.10 for EMS training, $1,275.04 for EMS equipment, $893.62 for fire supplies, $1,462.28 for fire training, $2,180.07 for fire equipment, $7,127.48 for vehicle operations, $6,470.19 for radio operations, $10,243.79 for insurance, and $2,378.61 for utilities. Including some other minor categories, expenses total $46,492.13.

Summary of Assets: Currently, our investments total $65,251.09 and we have $95,929.34 in checking. Including petty cash and earned interest, assets total $161,260.43.

Liability and property insurance for 2013 will be $7,981.00.”

4.3 Fire Chief: David Newton

“Since Sept 19th 2012:

Operations: In September two firefighters drove Engine 2 to Sierra Vista to participate in Sheriff Dever’s Memorial. In October one firefighter drove Tender 1 to Animas for a fire safety presentation to Pre-school, K, and 1st grades.

Training: In September we had joint training with Rodeo Fire. In October we had a poor turnout for the training. In November we had a great turnout for the two day Search and Rescue Academy put on by the Cochise County Sheriff’s Department. In November we also had a decent turnout for training with multiple frequency radio use. In December we had a decent turnout for the monthly training.

Chiefs’ Meeting: Chris Wilbur did an excellent job of organizing this year’s hosting of the Cochise County Chiefs’ meeting in November.

Repairs: Tender 1 required repair to two different leaks around the rear dump chute. Many thanks to Dennis McAvoy and Lee Dyal for repairing those leaks and devising a way to brace the chute so the problem is less likely to recur.

Narrowbanding: On November 29th we reinstalled our repeater after it was reprogrammed in Tucson. All our vehicle and handheld radios had been reprogrammed in the previous weeks. Portal Rescue is now fully compliant with the FCC’s rule that we operate in narrowband mode.

Short comments on why I have decided not to initiate prescribed burns.

1. Prescribed burns create smoke that irritates the community. That is sufficient reason.

2. None of our personnel have the qualifications to plan or execute prescribed burns. If there were any injury or property loss—I and Portal Rescue would be found negligent.

3. All burning is unlawful without a permit from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. We could obtain a permit for fire training, but we would be assuming all liability for the burn.

4. I am unwilling to do all the paperwork and schedule and reschedule firefighters and take on the responsibility for what usually amounts to landscaping or debris removal.”

4.4 EMS Chief: Jackie Lewis

“We received the donation of 8 Epipens from Mylan Specialties, saving Portal Rescue $1,200.

We’ve had 28 calls to date. Seven have been since the September Board Meeting. Last year Portal Rescue EMTs responded to a total of 9 calls. Needless to say, new EMTs as well as “seasoned” ones have been on their toes.

Monthly meetings are being well attended. We always have paperwork and protocols to review and we try to get hands-on training done as well. Most members have made the minimum required attendance. The few that haven’t have been out of town on work obligations.

Joe Meenach has been working hard (he’ll say “hardly working”) to get Rescue 3 and 4 in top condition. He has found the sources of minor troubles and of major problems and has been able to repair most of them. I need to thank two spouses for their assistance in vehicle checks as well—Greg Wayman and Bill Wilbur have been getting their hands dirty. We sincerely appreciate all you do to keep the girls out of the engine compartments.

Our next meeting is Sat. Jan 15th at 9 a.m. Topics planned are C-spine protocols, spine board and SKED. If you would like to be a patient please contact me.”

5.0 Old Business


5.1 Update on purchase of tables: Jackie Lewis

Jackie purchased ten tables, as authorized by the Board (which had budgeted $1,000 for that purpose in January). She also bought and donated a table truck to store the new tables on. The tables are expected here on December 26th and volunteers are needed to help offload them on December 27th. Please contact Jackie (558-2287) if you can help.

A few of the older tables will be kept at the station. Jackie Lewis proposed and Reed Peters seconded a motion that the rest be donated to Sew What. (They will be available for the Soup Kitchen and other PR functions but stored off site.) Motion carried unanimously

5.2 Discussion of Wilderness EMT training. John Yerger and Jerry Racicot were interested in traveling to Flagstaff or Oracle to undertake the training, if authorized by the Board. Jackie Lewis, seconded by Jerry Racicot, proposed that the Board fund one, possibly two, EMTs for wilderness training. Some Board members noted that the course was expensive and that most of the protocols taught could not, because of state regulation, be followed by Portal Rescue EMTs. Motion defeated.

6.0 New Business


6.1 Equipment reimbursement.

The Board discussed whether Portal Rescue active members should be reimbursed for expenditure on specific equipment. It was noted that essential equipment is already supplied for EMTs. Discussion concluded that required equipment could be purchased by Portal Rescue, distributed to active members and returned to Portal Rescue upon resignation/retirement from Portal Rescue OR could be purchased with Chief approval and reimbursed.

6.2 Recognition and gift for Robert Hollister for reprogramming our Motorola Radios free of charge.

Bill Wilbur proposed and Jackie Lewis seconded a motion that Robert Hollister be given a gift card for $100. Motion carried unanimously.

6.3 Preliminary budget for 2013.

Board members discussed the projected budget in detail, basing their estimates on what is expected from donations and fund-raising. In recent years much income had come from firefighting but this could not be counted on a source of revenue next year.

Jerry Racicot said that some community members felt the Board was not making good use of the money entrusted to it and should place some in an interest-bearing account or invest in more training and equipment; however other members noted that Portal Rescue had exhausted its funds a few years ago and that they wished to avoid that fate by maintaining a healthy bank balance. The Board agreed to consider means of making more profit from the cash currently held in the checking account, provided the investments are insured.

6.4 Address fire department road signage.

The Board agreed that David Johnson look into economical ways of erecting a fire department sign.

6.5 Aprons.

Jackie Lewis proposed and Reed Peters seconded a motion to order Portal Rescue aprons as an additional fundraising item. The motion was passed unanimously.

7.0 Addenda


8.0 For the Good of the Order


8.1 Soup Kitchen

The Soup Kitchen will be held on Feb. 11–13th, 2013. Chris Wilbur (558-5858) will be in charge this year. Contact her if you can help. Contact Vicki Beno (558-0096) to make donations of food. Kate Fackelman (557-2800) will be collecting recipes for a cookbook.

8.2 Newsletter

Any community member or active member wishing to write an article for the newsletter should submit it to Jackie Lewis by January 15th, 2013.

9.0 Adjournment

Jerry Racicot proposed and David Johnson seconded adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 8.35 p.m.

Portal Rescue Incorporated Board Meeting

Wednesday, Sept. 19th, 2012

1.0 Call to Order

President Jerry Racicot called the meeting to order at 6.30 p.m. Seven board members were present. Three community members were present.


2.0 Adoption of Agenda

The published agenda was adopted with suggested changes (motion by Jackie Lewis, seconded by David Newton, vote unanimously in favor). The changes were the addition of “Landscape maintenance” and “Chiefs’ Meeting” under Item 8, the deletion of 6.2 A, and clarification of Item 6.2 B by adding “active” before “members” and “reimbursement” before “amount”.

3.0 Acceptance/Correction of Minutes

Jackie Lewis moved to accept minutes as posted from the July 18th, 2012 meeting. Bill Wilbur seconded and the vote was unanimously in favor.

4.0 Reports


4.1 President’s report

Jerry Racicot reported that the SATNET conference was attended by the majority of EMTs; The conference was informative and worthwhile. No complaints had been received.

4.2 Treasurer’s report

Jackie Lewis has taken over the job of treasurer because of Bill Wilbur’s ill health. She reviewed income and expenses (year-to-date) 2012.

Revenue: This year, $6868.99 has come from grants, $10,795.73 has been donated, and $6936.70 has come from fundraising efforts. Interest income now totals $834.54, and $ 472.50 has come in as fire income. Counting some other minor categories, revenues to date total $26,723.06.

Expenses: Expenses to date include $1075.44 for office supplies, $1494.63 for EMS supplies, $4503.10 for EMS training, $718.10 for EMS equipment, $893.62 for fire supplies, $1712.34 for fire training, $2180.07 for fire equipment, $6729.35 for vehicle operations, $6081.89 for radio operations, $8618.79 for insurance, and $3500.00 in refunds to EMS students now affiliated with Portal Rescue. Including some other minor categories, expenses total $40,696.48.

Summary of Assets: Currently, our investments total $64,755.70, and we have $79,495.97 in checking. Including petty cash and earned interest, assets total $144,553.92.

4.3 Fire Chief’s report (David Newton)

“Since July 18th 2012.

No Operations.

Training: Had a good turnout for monthly training last month. This Saturday we will hold joint training with Rodeo Fire. No one went to State Fire School in Mesa. I still have grant money for 2 persons for some sort of training this year. But it may be that I’ll request to have those funds converted to equipment like hose or shirts or pants.

Wildland Resource Group: A Cochise county wildland resource group has been formed to more equitably assign resources in our county to out-of-area and out-of-state fires. Agency participation is voluntary. Basically it uses local rotating lists of who to call first when trying to fill resource orders. Chief Spangler of Benson FD will be the group’s first WRDO (Wildland Resource Duty Officer) (pronounced “weirdo”) with two secondary duty officers. Tender1 is our only appropriate resource. It will have to be crewed by FFT2s. We can’t send WTOPs. I’m proceeding as if this is something Portal Rescue wants to do (to get our foot in the door), but I’ll consult with this Board on whether the organization wants to do this. It’ll be easy to back out. Only five of us have the FireFighterType2 qualification.

On 13 Aug. I applied for a VFA grant. $2800 for hoses and strainers. If we are awarded the grant I’ll ask you for an okay to accept it.

When we bought Red Brush 6 several years ago it was the stated intent to sell White Brush 6. That has not yet happened. I want to sell White Brush 6 in the next months and welcome any suggestions on how to get the best price for it.”

4.4 EMS Chief’s report (Jackie Lewis)

“Ten EMTs attended the SATNET conference. They came back pretty stoked.

The next EMT meeting has been moved to 9/29/2012. Chief Newton will lead an incident command training as part of the day.

EPIC training for traumatic brain injury was attended by ten EMTs. One other EMT attended the training in Douglas.

We’ve had one EMT call since the last meeting.

We’re still working on a donation for EPI-pens from the manufacturer.”

5.0 Old Business


6.0 New Business

6.1 Search and Rescue (SAR) Training.

A. Report by Lee Dyal

The Cochise County sheriff’s SAR team will offer a two-day academy in SAR techniques. The object of the training is for participants to be better first responders, “first response” being defined as a response within the 3-6 hours before Cochise County SAR arrives. The training will be offered under the Portal Rescue umbrella, and most participants in the class will be Portal Rescue members. There won’t be any equipment or training cost.

B. Approval of application form. Community members who complete the SAR class will have to apply to the Board for membership of the Portal Rescue First Response Team. The draft application form outlines the member’s responsibilities. Bill Wilbur moved, Reed Peters seconded, that we accept the application form as a working draft. Passed unanimously.

C. Long-term Insurance for class participants who become Active Members of Portal Rescue.

Jackie Lewis, seconded by Bill Wilbur, proposed deleting this item.

(It was noted that Portal Rescue would have to pay $50.00 per year Workman’s Compensation coverage for each participant in the SAR class who became an Active Member of Portal Rescue to join the First Response Team.)

D. Agree to email vote of membership acceptance [to get temporary insurance for class participants]. Clifton insurance requires that participants in the SAR academy must be Active Members of Portal Rescue if they are to be temporarily covered by our insurance for the period of the class. David Newton, seconded by Jackie Lewis, moved that one week before the class begins we finalize the class roster and have the Board vote on the acceptance of these participants as new Active Members for the duration of the class and forward that complete roster to Clifton Insurance. Since there is no Board meeting before the SAR class on Nov 10 & 11, voting would have to be by e-mail, to be followed by a formal vote at the December meeting. Passed unanimously.

6.2 Expense reimbursement

A. Item deleted.

B. Discussion of how Active Members choose to spend the “up to” reimbursement amount. Bill Wilbur proposed and Harold Farmer seconded the motion that members should be given discretion as to how to use their allowance, and should be reimbursed up to the maximum allowable amount for food and lodging, subject to production of receipts and oversight of the respective Chiefs and Treasurer. Motion carried; 5 for, 1 against, 1 abstention.

7.0 Addenda


8.0 For the Good of the Order


8.1 Chief’s Meeting. Chris Wilbur will coordinate the Chiefs’ meeting on 14th November. Volunteers are needed to cook, get the room ready, serve and clean up.

8.2 Landscaping maintenance. Bill Wilbur will bring the necessary equipment and do the job but requests that someone else pay for the fuel. Volunteers will be needed to help him.

9.0 Adjournment

David Newton moved for adjournment at 8 p.m.; Bill Wilbur seconded the motion, and hearing no dissent, Jerry Racicot declared the meeting adjourned at that time.

Portal Rescue Incorporated Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

1.0 Call to Order

President Jerry Racicot called the meeting to order at 6.30 p.m. Seven board members were present.


2.0 Adoption of Agenda

The published agenda was adopted without change, except for the addition of Item 7.1—Community Awareness Bulletin (motion by David Newton, seconded by Jackie Lewis, vote unanimously in favor).

3.0 Acceptance/Correction of Minutes

Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the May 16, 2012 meeting. Bill Wilbur seconded the motion and the vote was unanimously in favor.

4.0 Reports


4.1 President’s report

President Jerry Racicot noted that the EMTs are doing a great job and so are the firefighters, with the community expressing appreciation for their work.

4.2 Treasurer’s report

Treasurer Bill Wilbur reported that community members have been inundating the Portal Rescue email address with messages containing political information or linked to political websites. He asked them to refrain from doing this, because these messages make it difficult to find emails that deal with legitimate Portal Rescue business. Bill stated that ill health made it unlikely he could continue as Treasurer for much longer. He was grateful for the help that Jackie had been giving him with his duties as Treasurer.

Bill reviewed income and expenses (year-to-date) 2012.

Revenue: This year, $6,650.75 has come from grants, $ 10,273.08 has been donated, and $6,540.70 has come from fundraising efforts. Interest income now totals $728.17, and $472.50 has come in as fire income. Counting some other minor categories, revenues to date total $25,383.05

Expenses: Expenses to date include $ 2,587.02 for office supplies, $1,521.70 for EMS supplies, $3,249.09 for EMS training, $178.05 for EMS equipment $1,532.68 for fire supplies, $1531.18 for fire training, $707.01 for fire equipment, $6,653.77 for vehicle operations, $6,042.97 for radio operations, $5,304.40 for insurance, and $3,000.00 in refunds to EMS students now affiliated with Portal Rescue. Including some other minor categories, expenses total $33,471.36.

Summary of Assets: Currently, our investments total $64,647.49, and we have $86,565.14 in checking. Including petty cash and earned interest, assets total $151,232.63.

4.3 Fire Chief’s report (David Newton)

“Since the last Board Meeting, May 16th 2012:

No Operations. We’ve had wildfires start as late as September in previous years, but this year’s fire season has essentially ended with no income from fire suppression.

The Rodeo-Portal Mutual Aid agreement has been signed by all parties. It expires March 2017.

Training: SAR Overview on June 23rd. Timothy Barrett had two days on State Forestry’s training engine.

Maintenance: New front tires and taillights and battery cut-off switch for Brush 5. The leak on Tender 7 has been patched and has not leaked for a month.

Donation: Several 5 gallon pails of foam concentrate mysteriously appeared in the garage one day. Thank you.

I have an August 13th deadline for the 2013 VFA Grant program. Because that occurs before the next board meeting I’ll be asking the Board via email to okay the grant submission.”

4.4 EMS Chief’s report (Jackie Lewis)

“We had a good turnout of community members, EMTs and Firefighters for the Search and Rescue (SAR) orientation. Lee Dyal is following through with the people interested in getting more involved and with the Cochise County SAR team.

Thirteen of fourteen EMTs were at the June meeting. Next meeting is Saturday, July 21st at 9.00 a.m.

There have been nine EMT calls since the last meeting. We are working on reducing on-scene times and radio communications. The new EMT’s are doing a great job with patient care as well as the required paperwork.

Ten EMTs are attending the Southern Arizona Trauma Conference on August 9th-10th.

Rescue 4 had three belts replaced and Freon replaced in the A/C.

Rescue 3 had the heater core replaced, stop-leak and Freon added to the A/C.”

5.0 Old Business

5.1 Status of new tables and Treasurer’s computer

Jackie Lewis reported that new tables had not been purchased yet and the Board agreed to defer such purchases. A new computer had been purchased for the Treasurer and was working well.

5.2 Insurance Coverage connected with the Rodeo-Portal Mutual Aid Agreement.

Bill had contacted Clifton Insurance and was advised that the Portal Rescue policy covers Portal Rescue members if they operate out-of-state, and presumably Rodeo’s insurance covers their members if they operate in Arizona. Portal Rescue’s policy does not cover Rodeo’s members.

6.0 New Business

6.1 Assign filing of AZ Corporation commission annual report to board member.

Jerry proposed and David Newton seconded the motion that filing should be assigned to the secretary. The Board agreed unanimously.

6.2 Accept resignation of Ken Joens and Rick Beno as EMTs, effective June 5.

Jackie proposed and Reed Peters seconded the motion that the resignations be accepted. The Board agreed unanimously. Jerry noted that Ken and Rick will still be firefighters.

6.3 Discuss lodging for Southern Arizona Trauma Conference Network (SATNET).

Jackie noted that the budget would only cover the cost of accommodation for rooms shared by two EMTs. It would not cover the cost of rooms shared by one EMT with a spouse who wasn’t also an EMT. There would be a shortfall of $20.00 per night, per room, for a total of $292.00. The Board discussed the pros and cons of having Portal Rescue pay this shortfall. No decision was made as to whose responsibility it should be to pay the extra charge because a community member offered to make a donation covering the shortfalls for this year’s conference.

6.4 Request for national registry-approved Wilderness EMT training by three EMTs.

John Yerger outlined the curriculum, cost and benefits of a nationally approved Wilderness EMT training course for EMTs in our area. (“Wilderness” is defined as any area one hour or one mile beyond a spot the ambulance can reach.) Wilderness training would provide more flexibility to our EMTs than they currently have. Our EMTs, as opposed to Wilderness-trained EMTs, are at all times required to follow protocols established by our agreement with Tucson Medical Center; however, these protocols are not necessarily suited to wilderness operations. Wilderness-trained EMTs who are also Portal Rescue EMTs would be able to follow the appropriate wilderness protocols but, unfortunately, would not be covered by the agreement with Tucson Medical Center while working in wilderness-mode.

Jackie said that additional wilderness training would benefit our EMTs if they were able to get alternative coverage (such as Cochise County Search and Rescue) while operating in wilderness-mode, and then revert to normal Portal Rescue protocols when they finished the wilderness phase of their operations. At present, however, the budget for training was exhausted.

The Board noted that Jerry and Timothy Barrett and John Yerger were willing to be trained, and encouraged their initiative but deferred discussion of this item for the December agenda.


7.0 Addenda


7.1 Community awareness bulletin on Portal-Rodeo website.

Howard Topoff suggested that Portal Rescue post a monthly bulletin discussing responses to environmental and health hazards such as shingles, dehydration, drowning and snakebite.

David Newton favored a quarterly rather than a monthly bulletin. He and Jackie would tell Board members what topics they had selected. Community members would be advised when the bulletins were posted on the Portal-Rodeo and Portal Rescue websites. Articles in the bulletin wouldn’t necessarily be written by the Chief responsible for that issue, but would be attributed to their sources.

7.2 Posting of Agenda

Maya Decker wanted to know why the agenda for the meeting had not been e-mailed to the Portal Rescue community list. Secretary Harold Farmer said that hard copies had been posted on the board outside the Portal post office and in the library. In future the agenda would also be e-mailed to community members and posted on the Portal Rescue and Portal-Rodeo websites and in the Rodeo post office.

8.0 For the Good of the Order

Jackie noted that sandbags were still available. Bill cautioned that some of these were disintegrating.

9.0 Adjournment

Bill moved for adjournment at 8.10 p.m.; David Johnson seconded the motion, and the President, hearing no dissent, declared the meeting adjourned at that time.

Portal Rescue Incorporated Board Meeting

Saturday, March 24, 2012

1.0 Call to Order (Jackie Lewis)

President Jackie Lewis called the meeting to order at 13:06 pm. All board members were present, and a list of other attendees is provided as Appendix A.


2.0 Adoption of Agenda (Jackie Lewis)

The published agenda was adopted without change (motion by Susanne, seconded by Reed, vote unanimously in favor).

3.0 Acceptance/Correction of Minutes (Jackie Lewis)

Reed moved to accept minutes from the January 25, 2012 meeting. Susanne seconded the motion and the vote was unanimously in favor.

4.0 Reports


4.1 President’s report (Jackie Lewis)

Jackie expressed her hope that the enthusiasm of the EMT students rubs off onto more of our current active and community members. These students have a great desire to do their utmost for the people they will be called upon to assist in a time of need. They are putting Portal Rescue in the front of many parts of their lives and, in so doing, are raising the visibility of PR in our community. Jackie urged those present to help us share the pride in our organization. When you have a new neighbor, do you introduce yourself and tell them about the area’s amenities? How about introducing Portal Rescue to them at the same time? Brochures and a few newsletters are available to take home today. Take them and take pride in Portal Rescue!

4.2 Treasurer’s report (Bill Wilbur)

Bill reviewed income and expenses during 2011, and (year-to-date) 2012.

2011 budget (see also the two last sets of minutes): Net income was $144,079, and net expenditures totaled $97,569. Largely due to the Horseshoe 2 fire in 2011, we had a net surplus of $46,510. Currently, our total assets, including checking and investments, sum to $154,409.

2012 budget:

Revenue: This year, no revenue has yet come from grants. $6,890.00 has been donated, and $6,289.40 has come from fundraising efforts. Interest income now totals $399, and $473 has come in as fire income. Counting some other minor categories, revenues to date total $14,480.

Expenses: Expenses to date include $1,354 for office supplies, $1,408 for EMS supplies, $650 for EMS training, $1,532.68 for fire supplies, $567 for fire training, $658 for fire equipment, $2,841 for vehicle operations, $3190 for radio operations, $3279 for insurance, and $3,000 in refunds to EMS students now affiliating with Portal Rescue. Including some other minor categories, expenses total $18,858.

Summary of Assets: Currently, our investments total $64,319, and we have $90,070 in checking. Including petty cash and earned interest, assets total $154,409.

4.3 Fire Chief’s report (David Newton)

Grants: We received a 50/50 VFA grant for PPE, nozzles, hose, and two spots at September’s Fire School in Mesa. We will spend $2400 and be reimbursed $1200.

Training: We had a good vehicle work day on Feb 29th. One soon-to-be Firefighter attended a 3-day hazmat course where the instruction was (unfortunately) poor. Prospective fire-fighters Tim Barrett and Jerry Racicot are taking their second and final weekend of Basic Wildland Firefighting as we speak.

Tax issues: IRS 1099-MISC’s were mailed out to any fire firefighter who made $600 or more in 2011.

Problem with dispatch: Arizona (State Forestry) Dispatch mucked up a fire call for us. The situation should be corrected now and they’ve demonstrated they can tone us out correctly. Also, Bisbee 911 has shown they can correctly tone us out for fires.

Contract reporting: A new 2 year contract for our fire-fighting apparatus has been sent to the AZ District Forester for a signature. A change this year is that our personnel will be invoiced separately from the equipment. This should have no net effect on our income, but does add to the paperwork burden.

4.4 EMS Chief’s report (Jackie Lewis)


In 2011, PR had a total of nine calls but, as of March 23, we have had six calls already this year.


In February, 14 EMTs and EMT students received training in documentation and practical skills.

In March, seven students were introduced to Rescue 4 and use of the gurney. They also learned the locations of supplies for restocking rescue vehicles.

On the morning of March 26, PR will take part in Evacuation Day at the San Simon School.

Later that day, eight new EMT students will receive radios and instruction in their use.


Jackie described how costs for Epi-pens (with just a 9-month shelf life) have escalated during recent years. These costs alone will put us over budget in the EMS supplies category this year. Jackie continues to solicit donated Epi-pens from Dey Pharma.

Files necessary for EMTs, TMC and OSHA are being updated or created.

Finally, Jackie expressed her thanks to Fire Chief David Newton for his help with EMT training in radio communications and the Incident Command System.

5.0 Old Business (none)

6.0 New Business

6.1 Acceptance of new EMT members (Jackie Lewis)

Jackie listed names of the new EMTs applying to become active members of Portal Rescue. She then moved that PR accept these applicants. Her motion, seconded by Bill, was approved unanimously in a vote by active members.

6.2 Addition of a mutual aid agreement to the Policy Manual (David Newton)

During a recent audit, the Hidalgo County Fire Marshall noted that Portal and Rodeo have never had formal agreement for reciprocal (free) assistance during fire calls. Encouraged by the NM State Fire Marshall, the County Fire Marshall asked that such an agreement be written, and we are now very close to having a contract ready for the PR President and Fire Chief to sign. Signatures would also be required from Ramon Escobar (Rodeo Fire Chief), as well as the Chairman of the Hidalgo County Commission and the Hidalgo County Fire Marshall. David moved to insert a blank page for this purpose into the Policy Manual. This action would permit the Board to vote on the issue without a requirement for an additional community meeting. Jackie seconded this motion, which carried unanimously. Cooperation between EMS personnel in Portal and Rodeo would not be affected by this agreement. (Although there once was a mutual aid agreement, its whereabouts are now unknown.) It was suggested that the agreement should be sent to our insurance carrier for a look.

6.3 Election of 2012/2013 board members

Nominations of active members (two open positions)

Pat Owens nominated David Johnson, who accepted the nomination to serve for another year. Jeff Gee nominated Jerry Racicot, whose wife Jennifer, accepted the nomination during Jerry’s absence. There being no additional nominations for the two open positions, the two candidates were approved by acclamation.

Nominations of community members (three open positions)

Dinah nominated Harold Farmer, who accepted the nomination. Lee Dyal nominated Bill Wilbur, and Jeanne Williams nominated Reed Peters; both also accepted their nominations, and again the nominees were approved by acclamation.

The two Chiefs and the newly elected board members then retired to an Executive Session in the bay to determine who would fill the various official positions on the Board. Results of these deliberations are as follows for 2012:

President – Jerry Racicot (absent, but agreed to by Jennifer)

Vice-President – David Johnson continues for a second year.

Treasurer – Bill Wilbur continues for a second year.

Secretary – Harold Farmer

7.0 Addenda (NONE)

8.0 For the Good of the Order (NONE)

9.0 Adjournment (Jackie)

Susanne moved for adjournment at 14:11; Dinah seconded the motion, and hearing no dissent, Jackie declared the meeting adjourned at that time.

Appendix A: Attendees at the PR Annual Community Meeting

Community members

Vicki Beno

Carolyn Dearing

Maya Decker

Kate Fackelman

Harold Farmer

Gerry Hernbrode

Don Korleski

Reed Peters

Jennifer Racicot

Helen Snyder

Greg Wayman

Bill Wilbur

Frances Zweifel

Richard Zweifel

Active members

Richard Beno

E.T. Collinsworth

Lee Dyal

Susanne Dyal (Apitz)

Jeff Gee

David Johnson

Jackie Lewis

David Newton

Pat Owens

Lance Shultis

Bob Walton

Soon-to-be active members

Dinah Davidson

Donna Meenach

Joe Meenach

Stevie Wayman

John Yerger

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Portal Rescue Incorporated Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1.0 Call to Order (Jackie Lewis)

The meeting was called to order by President Jackie Lewis at 6:37 pm. All board members except Reed Peters attended, and Maya Decker was the sole community member present.

2.0 Adoption of Agenda (Jackie Lewis)

The published agenda was adopted without change (motion by Dinah, second by Bill, vote unanimous).

3.0 Acceptance/Correction of Minutes of January 4, 2012

Minutes for the early January meeting were approved as written (David N’s motion, seconded by Bill, vote unanimous).

4.0 Reports

4.1 President’s report (Jackie Lewis)

Jackie read a statement (reproduced below these minutes) soliciting future participation by active and community members on next year’s Board. Please read her statement!

4.2 Treasurer’s report (Bill Wilbur)

Bill again reviewed revenues, expenses and the asset summary for 2011. Minutes published for the early January 2012 meeting can be consulted for that information. The final figures posted for that budget report are slightly revised now that last minute bills and donations have posted. In 2011, total revenues were $144,079.46, and total expenditures $95,569.24, leaving a balance of $46,510.22.

Bill also reviewed the very few entries for revenues and expenses for January 2012.

Bill apologized for the computer ‘eating’ his donor list for October and November of 2011. Anyone donating during that period and still needing a receipt, please contact him by email (prtlrs2011@vtc.net) or phone him at 558-5858. Bill will consult with Rick about how to do the 1099’s for fire-fighters and will use Larry Moss again for tax preparation.

4.3 Fire Chief’s report (David Newton)

Operations: There have been no fire operations since our last meeting.

Training: Regular fire training was held on January 21st. Seven fire-fighters attended and together moved 12,500 gallons of water to the Department’s tank at Dennis McAvoy’s. One of the department’s portable pumps was left there. A similar tank and pump are already installed at Jeff Gee’s.

Equipment: Tender 1 has returned from the Sierra Vista maintenance yard. The yard is waiting for some supplier invoices before billing us, but the bill could exceed the estimated $1,800.

Mutual Aid from Rodeo Fire: Due to an issue arising out of the New Mexico Fire Marshal’s Office, Rodeo FD will be unable, until further notice, to provide Mutual Aid in Arizona. Chief Escobar is working with those authorities to remedy the situation. David has told Chief Escobar that Portal Fire is still very willing to provide aid to Rodeo Fire at their request. Our Board may be required to sign some sort of mutual aid agreement.

Meetings: David attended the County Chief’s meeting in Douglas today (Jan. 25th).

4.4 EMS Chief’s report (Jackie Lewis)

PR EMTs have had four calls in January, just two since our early January meeting.

EMT training will be held this coming Saturday at 9:00 am, and all EMTs and EMT students are encouraged to attend. Congratulations to the three students who passed the national exam this month (Jerry Racicot, John Yerger and Dinah Davidson). We are waiting for cards to arrive before these individuals can apply for active status as PR EMTs. Jackie reports that another EMT has recently moved to our area and consulted with her about possibly joining PR after she meets AZ requirements.

Lee Dyal and Susanne Apitz recently completed a four-day (35-hr) refresher course needed for them to recertify in June. Recertification lasts two years.

There will be new national requirements for EMT recertification. In the AZ legislature, a proposed bill (HB 2261) seeks to allow Continuing Education credits to substitute for the EMT refresher course. In the AZ legislature, a proposed bill (#2261) seeks to circumvent the new requirements.

5.0 Old Business:

5.1 Finalize 2012 budget (Jackie Lewis)

The newly finalized budget will be presented to the community for a vote at the Annual Community Meeting on Saturday, March 24. Expenditures in 2012 are projected at $56,500.

A vote was held on Susanne’s motion to separate utilities from office expenses in the budget. David Newton seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.

5.2 Complete insurance information documents (Bill Wilbur)

Bill has completed and submitted the documentation to Clifton Insurance. As anticipated, Tender 8 was taken off the policy. Last year’s bill was for $6,766 last year, and this year’s bill would have been slightly less ($6,497), but we voted to increase umbrella coverage to $2 million / 4 million (liability at same levels). Susanne’s motion to this effect was seconded by Dinah and approved unanimously. This year’s total bill will therefore be $7,414, and quarterly payments will go from $1,700 to $1,853. Our first quarter payment will be larger ($2,566) due to charges for accident and sickness coming due at that time.

5.3 Set annual meeting date and time (Jackie Lewis)

It was decided to change the date for the Annual Community Meeting to coincide with Community Health Day, being planned by Susanne Apitz (motion by Dinah, second by Bill, passed unanimously). The proceedings will start at 10:00 am on Saturday, March 24 (St. Patrick’s Day conflicts on the previous Saturday), with presentation of health information on CPR, strokes, snake bites, and choking. Fliers will be available to alert people to the availability of inexpensive combination carbon monoxide / propane detectors (see also below). This part of the meeting will be briefer than last year (no more than 2 hrs), since the LifeLine helicopter program will not be represented. The Annual Meeting will follow lunch (provided by PR), start at approximately 12:30 pm, and last an anticipated 1.5 hrs. Door prizes may be provided. See flyers posted around town.

5.4 Volunteer driver information (Jackie Lewis)

Jackie has pursued more information about who, other than currently active members, might qualify to drive the rigs. Consulting with the Deputy Bureau Chief of AZ Health Services, she finds the following for rescue vehicles (not ambulances) such as ours, and all volunteer personnel. There are no state requirements, except that the ambulance must go out with at least two EMTs. So if the driver is not an EMT, two EMTs must still accompany that driver. However, our insurer will cover only active members. Bill will call Clifton and determine whether any non-EMT, non-firefighter category of active member may be insured. Such categories would include any RCO who chose to become an active member, or we might have a special driver category. Other requirements are a clean driving record and taking an external or in-house large-vehicle safety course. Caution was raised that drivers might be distracted by the radio if driving alone.

6.0 New Business (David Newton)

6.1 Wireless headsets for Brush 5

David Newton proposed that we purchase wireless headsets for Brush 5, since the overwhelming noise of the truck interferes with communications, despite purchase of a good external speaker for the radio, and is a major safety issue. The Firecom headphones provide 24 db hearing protection, fit beneath the helmet, and have a microphone. The wireless portion uses the DECT 6.0 system (1.9 GHz) commonly used for cordless phones. It promises distances of ~ 500’ (1600’ under ideal conditions), with an out-of-range warning signal. Wearers will always hear incoming radio traffic and communications from other crew members, and can transmit over the truck radio by pushing a button. The cost is $2,816, minus $240 for installation we can do ourselves, or $2,576 total two headsets and required interface equipment. Susanne seconded David’s motion, and the vote was unanimously in favor.

6.2 Carbon monoxide monitors

David Newton proposed purchase of carbon monoxide monitors and accessories (AirSpace, Inc.: Model AI-1201 (2 at $515 each; also monitors methane and alarms with similar gases), model 1200 (1 at $445), logging chips (3 for $225 ea), cases (3 for $105 ea), and operating software ($125) (total $1930). Background: carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and can sicken and kill. Local EMTs have wondered about CO in a few residences here, but we have lacked monitoring equipment. Retail CO detectors use a time-weighted formula to reduce false alarms, so they are useless for this application. Susanne questioned the need for more than one such monitor and favored informing community members about relatively inexpensive stationary detectors for CO, natural gas and propane. Following this discussion, David Newton moved that we purchase one AI-1201 with case but no software or logging chip (unnecessary if not downloading to computer). Total cost: $550. Susanne seconded his motion, and the vote was unanimously in favor.

6.3 Wire shelving

David proposed that PR purchase four 48w x 24d x 72h wheeled, wire shelving units ($191 each, or $764 total; free shipping from Amazon.com). Rationale: Much infrequently used equipment currently litters the area around where vehicles are parked in the garage. Rolling shelf units would make the space more quickly convertible for community emergency uses which arise from time to time (e.g. rain during major events). David put his proposal in the form of a motion, seconded by Dinah, and the vote was unanimously in favor. Costs will be expensed as building maintenance. We also need to work at discarding some of the equipment in question.

7.0 Addenda (unanticipated by vote on agenda)

7.1 Need for new tables (Susanne)

Susanne pointed out that some of the PR tables are in poor repair. We now have one 8’ table, two 5’ tables, and seven 6’ tables, in various stages of decay. Susanne moved that $1,000 be added to next year’s proposed budget for purchase of new 6’ tables (approx. $100 each from Costco). David Newton seconded her motion, and the vote was unanimously in favor.

7.2 Laptop computer for Treasurer (Jackie)

Jackie reminded us that we also need to purchase a computer for the Treasurer. Susanne proposed that we allocate $600 for a laptop and software. Dinah seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The final 2012, outlined in section 5.1 above now takes into account the expenditures agreed upon in sections 6 and 7 here. $5,500 will come from the Rainy Day Fund, added to the previously proposed $4,700 draw, for a total draw of $10,200. We did not need to use the Rainy Day Fund in 2011, and we hope not to use it in 2012.

8.0 For the Good of the Order

8.1 Soup Kitchen (Jackie)

Responsibilities during the upcoming Soup Kitchen were spelled out incorrectly in previous minutes. Please note that Vicki Beno is coordinating all food contributions, and that Cecilia Hessler is coordinating workers at the desert table. Chris Wilbur will coordinate all other workers. We need to help clean the building on Friday, February 10th at 9:00 am. Raffle tickets already on sale, and Bill has already purchase $100 in lotto tickets.

All community members are encouraged to participate in the 2012 Soup Kitchen. Bring your dishes and your appetites!

8.2 Board member positions open (Jackie)

David and Jackie will stay on as Fire and EMT Chiefs, and David Johnson will remain as an active member Board member. Reed has yet to let us know. All other positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) are currently open. Please consider joining the Board and see Jackie’s remarks below.

8.3 This year’s fire danger (Bill)

Bill volunteered that USFS personnel fear a tremendously hot, fast-moving grass fire this year. Fall rains contributed to unusually late growth of annual grasses (says David Johnson), and continued drought leaves us at record ERC (energy release component) levels for standing fuels (says David Newton). Forewarned is forearmed!

9.0 Adjournment (Jackie)

Susanne moved for adjournment, and Bill seconded. Hearing no dissent, Jackie adjourned the meeting at 8:29 pm.

From President Jackie Lewis:

With the annual community meeting on the horizon in March, it is time to look again at the many links that make Portal Rescue a viable organization. We naturally think about the Fire Fighters and EMTs, because they are often the most visible elements of PR, but many others contribute behind the scenes. In addition to monetary support, community members donate their time to building, grounds and classroom maintenance, assist with the donation drive, work on fundraisers, schedule the classroom, make emergency phone tree calls, and provide food to keep EMT students going during 16-hr weekend classes. All of these valued contributions are major factors in keeping Portal Rescue operating smoothly and efficiently.

Managing much of this activity is your PR Board. Think about how inefficiently the organization would perform without a governing board. Without the Treasurer, donations couldn’t be accepted (recorded and deposited), and we couldn’t pay our bills. There would be no fuel, equipment repairs, or warm classroom for meetings. Without the Secretary, there would be no published minutes to keep the community informed and involved. The President has to anticipate all kinds of unexpected situations, organize meetings in advance, find and prod volunteers, and keep the organization moving so that we meet new challenges and maintain our forward momentum. The Vice-President has to be willing to step in if the President can’t fulfill these duties. The Fire Chief and EMT Chief bear the major responsibility for assuring that the community is served by well-trained professionals. What would happen if these positions could not be filled?

Our community is fortunate to have many talented individuals with different abilities: organizational skills, writing ability, construction skills, computer literacy, accounting skills, etc. Whatever your talents are, whatever contributions you can make, Portal Rescue needs your help in order to remain vibrant and healthy.

Membership on the PR Board is a great opportunity to see the organization up close, to help your neighbors and community, to work hand-in-hand and build friendships with other community members like you, to set new organizational visions and goals, and to feel valued for your contributions to a group central to Portal and its surrounds. Please consider serving on the Portal Rescue Board!! We need board members representing both the active members and the community at large.

We need you!! Contact any current Board member with inquiries and requests for information. Current members are: Jackie Lewis (Pres. & EMT Chief), David Johnson (V.P.), Bill Wilbur (Treasurer), Dinah Davidson (Sec.), David Newton (Fire Chief), Reed Peters and Susanne Apitz.

Portal Rescue Incorporated Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

1.0 Call to Order

President Jackie Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm. This is the December meeting, postponed until January. All but one board member (Susanne Apitz) were present. Rick Beno was the only attending community member.


2.0 Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was adopted as amended to include the Soup Kitchen as item 8.2 (Dinah moved, Bill seconded, vote unanimous)

3.0 Acceptance/Correction of October Minutes

Jackie reviewed changes to the minutes of our 10/19/11 meeting. Those minutes were approved as amended after a motion by Bill, second by David Newton, and a unanimous vote.

4.0 Reports

4.1 President (Jackie Lewis)

Jackie read the following statement about the recent EMT class: “I don’t think I can say “thank you” too many times to everyone who helped make the EMT class a success: EMT students, current Portal Rescue members, community members who provided funds, community members who provided snacks, Norma Hernandez (instructor), who drove down from Sierra Vista each week, Cochise College, High Desert Clinic, and Douglas Fire for allowing ride-alongs. Thank you also to the spouses, families, friends and dogs of the students and supporting members for putting up with mood swings and messy houses while our lives centered around a book, workbook and computer.” Dinah added that none of this would have happened without Jackie’s own enormous contribution!

Jackie noted that several positions will be vacant on the Board and need to be filled at the Annual Community Meeting in March. She asks that all put away any negative connotations of board memberships and consider volunteering to fulfill a vital position in Portal Rescue. We need both active members and community members to come forward to help run the organization in a positive and cooperative manner. The President, Vic-President, Treasurer, and Secretary positions need to be filled by the elected members. We would like to be able to allow the Fire Chief and EMS Chief not to take on another title, because it takes focus and time away from their other duties. Anyone interested in being nominated for a Portal Rescue Board membership at the Annual Meeting in March, please contact one of the current board members: Jackie Lewis, Bill Wilbur, Dinah Davidson, David Newton, David Johnson, Susan Apitz (Dyal), or Reed Peters.

4.2 Treasurer’s report (Bill Wilbur)

Revenues: Bill received and deposited $1,000 from the VFA grant. Donations continue to come in and now total $24,723.53, versus the $20K projected in last year’s budget. More donation checks remain to be deposited. Fundraisers totaled $9,391.70 (about $1,600 shy of our projection) with much of this coming from the Soup Kitchen, and the remainder, from sales of phone books and cook books and the Millers’ plants, fruits and vegetables. At $5,263, building rentals far exceeded the projected $300, mainly due to building use by Horseshoe 2 crews. Interest income came in at about $1,015, less than the $1,600 projected at the start of the year. Fire income totaled $93,324.56, with $91,390.93 coming in since we last met. No draws were needed from the Rainy Day Fund. $5,084.70 in income from EMS students will be paid out again when students certify. For the year, revenues totaled $144,659.

Expenses: We were slightly ($57) under budget in the category of office supplies and slightly over budget ($369) for EMS supplies, in part due to the EMT class. Likewise, the EMS training budget exceed projections slightly (by $479). We were under budget in fire supplies, fire training, and fire equipment ($ 9,417.45, across the three categories). The $34,578 over budget in fire pay has been fully reimbursed to PR. We were over budget by $12,053 in vehicle operations, due mainly to deferred maintenance, and $1,719 under budget in radio ops. Insurance costs were about $101 more than anticipated. Structure maintenance, miscellaneous expenses and (especially) fundraising expenses were well within budget and dues, precisely as anticipated. Outlays for EMS student tuition were $7,092 (plus $300 for CPR and $560 for NREMT testing) All of those costs are in the EMT training category. Over the budgetary year, we spent $59,756.29, not counting the (reimbursed) fire pay.

Investments: The 2-yr Muma note matured at the end of October and was rolled over. Two maturing CDs from the Rainy Day fund matured and went into the money market for investment when return rates improve. Currently, we have $63,919 in the Rainy Day fund, $95,463 in cash (checking), and $1,585 outstanding (mostly donations) for deposit. Portal Rescue assets thus sum to $159,682.

The 2011 budget was originally written for $50,500; although we were over budget for the year, we ended the year in the black, largely due to community donations.

4.3 Fire Chief (David Newton)

4.3.1 Fire operations

Oct 24 Pole Top Fire on Bear Mtn Rd.

Oct 26 Shed Fire: Three apparatus and 8 fire-fighters responded, plus mutual aid from Rodeo FD. David was very pleased with our response.

4.3.2 Training

Nov 7: special night training on Tender 7.

Nov 19: outfitted Brush 6 with required equipment to put it in service.

Dec 17: practiced with Brush 6.

4.3.3 Apparatus

Tender 1: taken to Tucson on Nov. 12, to Kenworth Dealer for maintenance and repair. Repair to body damage suffered in July, 2008, cost $1500. Full maintenance and repair to air conditioner cost $1400. The dealer said the vehicle was in good shape. On November 29, Tender 1 was driven from Tucson to the Sierra Vista Fleet Maintenance facility to investigate a noise in the pump. That investigation revealed damage to the pump’s impeller. Parts should arrive soon, and estimated cost of repair is $1,800.

Brush 5: The vehicle would not start on the evening of the shed fire. Batteries were replaced (for $445) to get it back in service. David has been accumulating parts to install a battery disconnect and to eliminate the 12-volt center tap on its 24 volt system.

Brush 6 (purchased in January, 2010): in service with required equipment on December 19.

Brush 9: New tank installed on December 9 at a cost of $3,833 plus $200 in mounting hardware.

4.3.4 Meetings

Nov 16: Cochise County Chief’s meeting at PR. Thanks to all who helped out.

Dec 16: David attended a wildfire forum in Sierra Vista on last year’s wildfires. It was sponsored by an insurance company association and the AZ State Forestry Division. The emphasis was on Community Wildfire Protection Plans and what worked (in terms of fire behavior and property survival) last year.

4.4 EMS Chief (Jackie Lewis)

Nine students completed the EMT Basic Class. They’ve all done a great job! Congratulations to Timothy Barrett, Laura Caron, Dinah Davidson, Donna Meenach, Joe Meenach, Jerry Racicot, Stevie Wayman, Chris Wilbur and John Yerger.

Eight students have taken the National Registry Practical Exam (all passed!) and are preparing to take the National Registry Written Exam. We look forward to welcoming them as active EMTs once they become certified.

There have been four EMT calls since the last board meeting.

The next EMT meeting will be Saturday, January 28th at 9:00 am, and EMT candidates are welcome.

5.0 Old Business (none)


6.0 New Business


6.1 VFA grant (David Newton)

Four of four board members responding to David’s email approved acceptance of the $1,000 50:50 VFA grant, but a formal vote was taken at this meeting. The grant will help train two firefighters and purchase needed supplies and small equipment. Dinah moved to accept the grant, Jackie seconded, and the vote was unanimous.

6.2 2012 budget

The Board prepared (in part) a preliminary budget after reviewing the budget summary for 2011. Additional information will be required to finalize the budget at the next meeting, but it will total somewhere in the neighborhood of $50,000.

6.3 Insurance information review (Bill Wilbur)

Clifton underwriter sent us a questionnaire to update our insurance requirements. Board members contributed some help in filling out the form. Bill will finish and mail it next week. However, if he comes back to us with a recommendation to increase liability for board members (as suggested by an experienced community member), that will require a vote. For the moment, the matter was tabled. Bill seconded Dinah’s motion, and the vote to table was unanimous.

6.4 2012 Annual meeting

The Board considered whether the meeting should be held this year as part of Community Health Day, which will also involve health-related presentations and a lunch. The matter was tabled until board members could bring back opinions of community members. Reed seconded Dinah’s motion, and the vote to table was unanimous.

6.5 Rescue vehicle drive requirements inquiry

Several community members have expressed a willingness to drive the ambulance to calls where distantly located EMTs arrive by POV. While the organization greatly appreciates these offers, the insurance company will not cover a non-member driving the rescue vehicles.

7.0 Addenda (none)


8.0 For the Good of the Order

8.1 Newsletter (Jackie)

Any articles intended for the newsletter must be sent to Jackie by January 18th. The letter will go to the printer on the 27th and be mailed to community members by February 6th, in order to arrive prior to the Soup Kitchen.

8.2 Soup kitchen (Jackie)

The annual Soup Kitchen will be held at PR on Mon-Wed, February 13th-15th. Chris Wilbur is ‘in training’ to take this over from JoAnn next year. Vicki Beno will solicit and receive commitments for soups, and Cecilia Hessler, for breads and desserts. Volunteers will be needed to help serve. Please call Chris, Vicki or Cecilia to let them know where you can help.

8.0 Adjournment (Jackie Lewis)

Jackie adjourned the meeting at 8:34 following a motion by Dinah and a second by David Newton.

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