CALL 911:

  • If you have a medical emergency or think you do

  • If you have fallen and can’t get up

  • To report a fire

  • For search and rescue


For cell phone users, when dialing 911 from a cell phone in Portal, Arizona, immediately ask for Cochise County Sheriff Dispatch.



Cell phone users can add these numbers to their emergency contact directory to get a direct call to 911 for Cochise County:

520-805-5670 and/or 520-432-9512


Help support us by designating Portal Rescue as your favorite charitable organization with AmazonSmile, at no cost to you.


Check out the Firewise page here.


If you haven’t done so, we suggest you add your information to the Portal Rescue Locator Book database in order to speed up time to find your home in case of emergency.

You can download the form here, fill it out, and send it to Portal Rescue, PO Box 16331, Portal, AZ 85632. Then your information will be added or updated in the Locator Book database.


Medical Helicopter Memberships

LifeLine/Air Evac:

Nancy E. J. Tucker 928-294-9023

